Present Moon Sign

If your sign is Sagittarius, this image is for you  Archer is a fire sign  Cosmic Fire, a warrior of the universe  Stock Photo - 20395594 Copyright : helein
  • Date:  May 23 2024 @4:24 am(ET) @1:24  am(PT) 
  • Moon Sign: Sagittarius
  • Moon Phase: 2nd
  • Void-of-Course: May 25 @10:47am (ET) @7:47am (PT) to moon into Capricorn a short time later. 
  • Opportunity Period: None
  • **Full Moon May 23 @9:53 am(ET) @6:53 am(PT)** 

What does it all mean?

  • Sagittarius is the most “easy-going” of the fire signs and is ruled by Jupiter “the lucky planet”
  • Some of us  may be feeling luckier then usual… caution is advised 😉
  • We could have more energy for fun things such as music, sports and shows
  • It’s easier to try something new and exciting just take care not to get carried away.
  • Could be a good time to take a few days for rest, relaxation and laughter
  • Good time for day dreaming and making fantastic plans for the future.
  • While this moon will have a slight effect on all of us… those with the following in their charts will feel it stronger as will those who have a strong Gemini or Cancer chart placing 
    • Moon in Sagittarius
    • Jupiter in Sagittarius
    • Moon in the 9th house
    • Sun in Sagittarius
    • Aspects to the Moon and Jupiter. 

When the transiting moon becomes full while in the sign of Sagittarius: 

  • All of the above characteristics of a Sagittarius moon will be highlighted when the moon is full. 
  • Take advantage of the good feeling that comes with this full moon, get out and about with friends, enjoy some laughter and fun times. 
  • Get out into nature, enjoy the outdoors and appreciate the sheer beauty of it all. 
  • Try something new, pick up a book on something you have always been curious about. Take a class, join in a group discussion. 
  • Plan or take a trip and treat it like a fabulous adventure. 
  • Having fun and enjoying lots of laughter is the key to this full moon, watch out for excess though as it easy to blur the lines at this time.
  • The Full Moon is traditionally thought of as the best time to finish up projects already on the go… If projects need to be started under a full, this also includes, career’s, jobs and relationships.. don’t be alarmed if things don’t seem to be moving ahead as fast as you would like… perhaps, all is not as it seems..

The Moon and Astrology



In astrology, the moon is connected to our emotions and reactions… how we are feeling on a given day may well be influenced by the sign that is visiting the moon… Each sign stays with the moon for up to 2.5 days…. 🙂 

The Moon Void-of-Course: 

There are times throughout the month when the moon isn’t fully immersed in any sign… this is when we say the moon is Void of Course… when this occurs, we may feel “foggy” or “unfocused” … We may not be sure how we are truly feeling about a situation or a person…. Therefore it is not recommended that we make long-term commitments or important decision’s while the moon is Void of Course…. However there are 4 signs in the zodiac which may prove positive during the Void-off-Course moon… 

  • Cancer
  • Taurus
  • Sagittarius
  • Pisces…

Opportunity Periods  (thanks to astrologer Jim Shawvan):

There are other periods throughout the month that are known as opportunity periods, when it can prove to be a positive time for most people, however if you have challenging aspects happening within your own chart you may not be able to make use of opportunity periods. 

copyright: Greta McKenzie Astrology05/23/24

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