Present Moon Sign/Phase/House:

16341926-manga-style-illustration-of-zodiac-symbol-virgo[1] Copyright : rudall30
  • Date: May 15 @ 5:33 pm (ET) @2:33 pm (PT)
  • Moon Sign: Virgo
  • Moon Phase: 1st, moves into 2nd on the 16th
  • Void-off-Course: May 18 @ 5:09 am(ET) @2:09 am (PT) to moon into Libra. Moon v/c is not one of the 4 “good signs” Try not to make any important decisions or commitments now.
  • Opportunity Period:  

What does it all mean?

  • Virgo is all about the details, so be prepared to see to them, or at least have someone else see to them for you. 
  • Try not to worry about things you have no control over, especially things that might not ever happen… Because Virgo “see’s” all the details others miss, it’s hard for her not to worry… 
  • It’s good to keep busy during a Virgo moon, make lists, tidy, organize, plan, find solutions to problems… a lot can get done now
  • Virgo can be more critical than the rest of the zodiac, but only because she so needs things to be “correct” or “perfect”. If you are an employer, be prepared that tasks may not get completed exactly the way you had expected, be gentle and patient. 😊
  • The Moon in Virgo can be good for the following activities:
  • Break Habits (Better if in the moon is in the 3rd or 4th quarter):
  • Canning foods (Better if in the moon is in the 3rd or 4th quarter):
  • Fixing Cars:
  • Hair cut for less growth (Better if in the moon is in the 3rd or 4th quarter):
  • Mowing the lawn to retard growth (Better if in the moon is in the 3rd or 4th quarter):
  • Sending Mail:
  • Starting a diet (Better if in the moon is in the 3rd or 4th quarter): 
  • This moon sign will have more of an effect on those who have the following in their charts. 
  • Moon in Virgo
  • Sun in Virgo
  • Ascendant in Virgo
  • Mid-heaven in Virgo
  • Moon in 6th house
  • Any aspects to the Moon or Mercury.
  • And those who have a strong Pisces placement in their charts..


May 15 @1:05 pm (ET) @10:05 am (PT):  Mercury moves into the sign of Taurus. ♉ 

  • Mercury is the planet of Communication, Transportation and Technology. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. 
  • Taurus is ruled by Venus, and is connected to the 2nd house of material and emotional security. 
  • Our thinking and communications may be focused on our material security, this may include, where we are living, or where we plan to be living in the near future. Our job, career or vocation direction and how that will provide a secure future will also be a subject at the dinner table.  It may be a good time to have discussions regarding finances, getting personal budgets under control, and figuring out ways to “tighten the belt”. 
  • Taurus, will take her time in figuring out the best path forward, indicating that patience may be needed when it comes to getting answers regarding anything to do with finances. 

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The Moon and Astrology



In astrology, the moon is connected to our emotions and reactions… how we are feeling on a given day may well be influenced by the sign that is visiting the moon… Each sign stays with the moon for up to 2.5 days…. 🙂 

The Moon Void-of-Course: 

There are times throughout the month when the moon isn’t fully immersed in any sign… this is when we say the moon is Void of Course… and when this occurs, we may feel “foggy” and “unfocused” … We may not be sure how we are truly feeling about a situation or a person…. Therefore it is not recommended that we make long-term commitments or important decision’s while the moon is Void of Course…. However there are 4 signs in the zodiac which may prove positive during the Void-of-Course moon… 

  • Cancer
  • Taurus
  • Sagittarius
  • Pisces…

Opportunity Periods
There are other periods throughout the month that are known as opportunity periods, when it can prove to be a positive time for most people, however if you have challenging aspects happening within your own chart you may not be able to make use of opportunity periods. 

Thanks to Paula Belluomini, William Lilly and Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide for opportunity period and dates.

copyright Greta McKenzie, 5/15/2024

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