Present Moon Sign/Phase/House:

Zodiac signs - Aquarius Stock Vector - 40977554 Copyright : Natalia Hubbert
  • Date: February 20 2020 @ 2:42 pm (ET) @ 11:42 am (PT)
  • Moon Sign: Aquarius 
  • Moon Phase: 4th
  • Void-of-Course: February 21 @ 11:08 pm (ET) @ 8:08 pm (PT) to moon in Pisces on the 22nd. Aquarius Moon v/c is not one of the 4 “good signs” Try not to make any important decisions or commitments now. 
  • Opportunity Period: None

What does it all mean?

  • Aquarius is “different”,  he is ahead of his time and capable of thinking and “seeing” things in a different way then the rest of us. 
  • Aquarius is ruled by Uranus,  the planet of  shock and chaos.
  • We may feel may inclined towards kindness, especially on a “global” level or towards animals, the elderly and those worse off. 
  • Getting along with our four-legged friends may be on the top of our list now. 
  • The time may be right to understand/learn about new technology, such as a new phone, tablet or t.v. 
  • This moon period can bring out the rebel in us, prompting us to try new things and or meet new people. 
  • Be careful not to break tradition just because one feels like being different or as some may see it, “difficult” Teenagers may feel the need to express themselves, so parents be for warned. 
  • Personal freedom and individuality is very important now. Partner’s try not to restrict each other’s movements. Parent’s it might be a tight line you walk now. Employer’s give your “worker’s” a little “slack”. 
  • Being organized might not be as easy now, so expect weird schedule’s and interrupted meetings…
  • Changes may be in the air…
  • Could be a good time for inventions… Perhaps keeping them to paper until after the 25 is advisable if the goal is for the invention to work. 
  • This moon sign will have more of an effect on those who have the following in their charts. Along with those with strong Leo placing in their charts. 
  • Moon in Aquarius
  • Sun in Aquarius
  • Uranus in Aquarius
  • Moon in the 11th house
  • Moon in Leo
  • Ascendant or Mid-heaven in Aquarius
  • Any aspects to the Moon. 

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The Moon and Astrology


In astrology, the moon is connected to our emotions and reactions… how we are feeling on a given day may well be influenced by the sign that is visiting the moon… Each sign stays with the moon for up to 2.5 days…. 🙂 

The Moon Void-off-Course: 

There are times throughout the month when the moon isn’t fully immersed in any sign… this is when we say the moon is Void off Course… and when this occurs, we may feel “foggy” and “unfocused” … We may not be sure how we are truly feeling about a situation or a person…. Therefore it is not recommended that we make long-term commitments or important decision’s while the moon is Void off Course…. However there are 4 signs in the zodiac which may prove positive during the Void-off-Course moon… 

Good for Void-Off-Course Moon:

These v/c signs may prove to be quite productive times.

  • Cancer
  • Taurus
  • Sagittarius
  • Pisces…

Opportunity Periods  (thanks to astrologer Jim Shawvan):

There are other periods throughout the month that are known as opportunity periods, when it can prove to be a positive time for most people, however if you have challenging aspects happening within your own chart you may not be able to make use of opportunity periods. 

Thanks to Jim Shawvan present day astrologer, William Lilly 17th century astrologer and Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide for opportunity periods.




copyright: Greta McKenzie Astrology 10/18/2020


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